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Monday, 16 September 2013

A Beautiful, If Brief, Calgary Summer

Maybe it was my slow reintegration into society. Or the lingering effects of the devastating flood. Probably a little bit of both. Since my return, it seemed to take forever for the real Calgary to show up. But, finally, Mother Nature gave Calgary the summer it deserved - a sublime forecast of 25 degrees and sunny virtually every day of August and September.

And I was able to make the most of every minute of it.

First major redefinition of the post-travel "me" started on the inside though, with my condo. I refocused my compact space for functionality and serenity - my bed is now just a mattress in the living room, frameless, and folds up against the wall during the day, like a Murphy bed, creating an impressive open space in the small yet large living room for yoga and meditation. If making room for these mind enhancing activities weren’t enough, I am living without internet and TV at home. All of these changes are an extension of my experiences during my travels, where I plugged into nature, laid roots in the earth, while discarding distractions.

The comfy couch and TV have slid over to the bedroom. With this revamped space, I was able to get back into Couchsurfing, and it's even harder than ever now to say "no" to a Couchrequest because I always think back to when I was surfing in Europe and desperate for hosts. Since returning, I've hosted (all individually) two French guys, two German girls, a British guy, and a Dutch man, a decorated travel veteran who has been to 50+ countries and still going strong, with the unfathomable ability to overcome any obstacles of travelling, able to sleep anywhere and hitchhike from dawn until sunset.

Amidst their company, I've managed to continue on with my busy summer, packed with numerous cultural events, plus cultivating my unbridled and somewhat unorthodox passions. Contrary to popular belief, there are lots to do in Calgary.

Some of my summer highlights can be seen here:

Through these awesome experiences, I've been meeting lots of wonderful people and getting even more ideas for yet more interesting experiences to come. I just can't wait for the next adventure, the next day, even the next moment to arrive.

And as promising as the future is, I can always look back to the past, at my travels, to realize that there is never anything to ever complain or grumble about.

It took a little while, but I have overcome the reverse culture shock of my distressful return to society. And Calgary provided the ideal home base for recovery. As it turns out, Calgary has the people and the resources to make anyone’s dreams come true. You only have to know where to look.

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